I've decided to be a little more personal on here, a little bit raw.
I've thought long and hard about this and whether I was ready for the world or the handful of people who take the time (thank you) to read this little blog to be exposed to me and my feelings and thoughts.
After all, the bloggers I adore are the ones that give me a real glimpse into their lives, ordinary but extraordinary at the same time.
So here I am.
39 and single.....ouch.
You're such a nice girl. You are gorgeous. You are so funny, so smart. Am I?
According to the male population that I've encountered over the last 20 years I'm anything but.
Broken hearts, countless tears and the deafening sound of that ticking biological clock, and not to forget the crazy things I have done in the name of love are some of the things you will see pop up every now and then on here.
So today I will start with the "Crazy Things I've Done For Love"